The Temple of the Holy Spirit Who Dwells in You

  • 조회 1648
  • 2011.06.13 13:34
  • 문서주소 -

1 Corinthians 6:19-20


“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and one of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). He is blameless and holy, so He only works for God’s glory in a place that has been sanctified (1 Corinthians 3:16-17,6:19-20). God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to man who had sin. Jesus bought and saved man at a price, which was His blood. Therefore, man has become God's and God has the right to use man according to His will. God made man to give glory to Him. The Holy Spirit comes on those who belong to Him, to use them according to His will. The Holy Spirit protects, preserves and takes care of them (John 14:16-20). For this reason, all believers should live by the Holy Spirit. The one who is led by the Holy Spirit should acknowledge and welcome Him. He must be ruled by the Holy Spirit like Jesus’ disciples were. God used them in accordance with His will by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and told the Jews, who had killed Jesus, to repent from their sin of killing Jesus, about three thousand repented and turned to God that day (Acts 2:22-24, 38-41). To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to agree with His will in your spirit and to be used by Him, whether you live or die, when He wants to use you for His work. It is also destroying your wrong thoughts, knowledge, and fixed ideas, and to be deeply moved by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:3-8, 17-22). All men have sinful desires which try to control them (Genesis 4:7). So men can't help avoiding sin (Galatians 5:19-21). To live according to the sinful nature is to live in sin, and the wages of sin is death. Therefore, the only way to overcome sinful desires is by the working of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:5-8,12-17). We should live holy lives being filled with the Holy Spirit and prevent the fall of our personalities (James 1:14-18). We must know, see and get rid of the thoughts of sinful nature (Galatians 5:16-17). Why did God save men with the blood of Jesus Christ and send the Holy Spirit to us? Because He wanted us to know and believe in Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12:3) and to be His children (John 3:5). He wanted us to rule over our sinful nature, to be guided into all truth (John 16:13), and to preach the Gospel (John 15:26). The working of the Holy Spirit does not only give glory to God, but He also gives eternal life and blessing to us for the time of soul. Many people can't control their sinful desires by the Holy Spirit even though they say they believe in Jesus, because they aren't filled with the Holy Spirit. They ignore the touching of the Holy Spirit or just live by their fallen personalities. The personal filling of the Holy Spirit means that the knowledge, emotion and will of the Holy Spirit rules over yours. Those who are saved by the blood of Jesus and are born again of the Holy Spirit, are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We ought to be made holy, to be used and led by the Holy Spirit forever. Dear brothers and sisters, let's be filled with the Spirit and let Him work greatly through us.
