Unless You Repent

  • 조회 1611
  • 2011.09.19 11:44
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Fri_homegroup&wr_id=140

Luke 13:1~5


God is righteous and His righteousness is the absolute standard of all righteousness. Therefore, all thoughts and behavior against Him are sin, regardless of the situation. The standard of God's righteousness is the Word of God. If anything does not agree with the Word of God, it is sin and has no place in God. In the end, all those who sin will enter into eternal punishment, but the righteous will enter into eternal life with God (Matthew 25:46). Sin comes from the devil and righteousness comes from God. The working of the devil leads us to hell, but the righteousness of God leads us to heaven. If man sins, he will be condemned to live in hell with the devil forever. We are all descendants of Adam, so we are all under sin and are doomed to perish (1 John 3:8, Matthew 25:41). But God loved man and wanted to save him, so He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay back the wages of sin, which is death, by shedding His blood instead of man. Salvation can be received only by those who realize they are sinners, believe in Jesus and repent with His blood. But those who don’t believe in the working of Jesus’ blood on the cross and who don’t repent can never be forgiven. They have to pay back the wages of their own sin in hell. The blood of Jesus on the cross works only for those who confess that they are sinners. At the moment we repent, we are forgiven and purified from our sin by Jesus’ blood. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. The Bible says that the righteous God let man realize his sin through the law, and that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to forgive our sin, because of His great love. Those who believe in Jesus and repent will be saved and not go to hell. Repentance is acknowledging God's love. We should always try to change God’s wrath because of our sin, into the working of Jesus Christ's blood through repentance. God’s eyes are on all services for Him, and all repentance through the Word of God receives eternal life. There are two types of repentance. The first one is to repent from our original sin the first time we believe. The other is to repent daily from the sins we commit daily against God's righteousness. Repentance is the absolute will to be freed from sin and the devil, who are our enemies. That's our faith lives. When we repent, we must hold Jesus' blood and believe in the grace of God. At that moment we meet Jesus blood, God completely removes and forgets our sin. Repentance is the absolute action which we must never neglect in order to live. Even though the world will perish, righteousness will never perish, as we can see during the times of Noah' flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Nineveh. Whoever repents will not perish because the sin which lead them to death will be gone by Jesus' blood. All you who are suffering in your body and spirit, cast all your burdens on Jesus and avoid the wrath of God due to sin. Let's be set free and be happy by repentance by the working of Jesus' blood on the cross.
