Let Us Live by the Love of the Lord

  • 조회 1480
  • 2013.07.31 19:32
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Fri_homegroup&wr_id=231

John 10:7~10

God never sins as He is always righteous. He lets us find our sins through His righteousness. Therefore, every thought and act opposite to His righteousness is sin. Those who don’t believe and obey the Word of God are sinners who cannot avoid judgment.


The devil made humans into sinners by making the first man, Adam, eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. He made humans be opponents of God, so that humans must die forever. But God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save humans who are doomed to perish by sin and He shed blood and died on the cross so that He could take up our sin. To whoever realizes that he is sinner and repents of his sin, He sends the Holy Spirit as testimony of his holiness and he testifies that Jesus Christ is his Savior to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Therefore, if you’ve repented of your sin and received the forgiveness of sin, you should know that your body has become a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19). Although people have received this great grace, they forget the love of God and easily make the temple of the Holy Spirit unclean (John 10:10). Our body and mind should be clean because it is temple of the Holy Spirit. But the devil uses our desires of sinful nature and makes us live with death. Therefore, our souls, lives, heaven, and physical strength are stolen by the spiritual robber (Romans 1:28~32; Galatians 5:16~25).


However, people in the world don’t know this, they don’t have a solution so they suffer. Many Christians don’t know the poor condition of their body and soul, and just believe in Jesus Christ as a religion. Jesus Christ loves you passionately till His body was broken on the cross and His blood shed to save you from Satan and evil spirits who try to steal your happy life and to pay back the price of your sin. Someone, who knows price of His love on the cross, never gives up loving the Lord, neighbors and his own soul without any compromise. This is the personality of faith.


Our belief and faith is giving thanks for the will and love of God and the blood of Jesus Christ who is our Savior given by the grace of God. Glorifying and pleasing the Lord for my eternal happiness is also our belief and faith (Romans 8:16~17, 14:8; 1 Corinthians 6:19).


However, righteous God points out your sin and enables you to live by His will whether you feel good or not. God’s pleasing will is to save your soul from going to hell because of Satan, evil spirits and sin. He makes us to live by His will so we can go to heaven. He sometimes scolds His beloved children severely through the pastor so that they do not go to hell (Hebrews 12:4-9).


Dear brothers and sisters, righteous Jesus Christ gave up everything such as His fame, righteousness, ability, authority, glory of sitting right side of God, everything the Creator has, and even His life. He passionately loved you this much. So let’s own this great grace in your mind and live by Jesus. Let’s live by confessing and telling the whole world that Only Jesus is the One who loves me and is my Savior (Acts 4:12).

