The Uncompromising Request for Repentance, the Blood of Jesus

  • 조회 1510
  • 2013.11.17 01:22
  • 문서주소 -

Mark 10:45


God is Holy and righteous. The evidence that the Lord is holy and righteous is that the Lord lives and works forever. God is holy and righteous so He keeps His promises though it to man who is His creature (Isaiah53:5-6; John 19:30).


The first man, Adam lived in utmost happiness in the Garden of Eden when he was created, but the devil used the serpent to make him disobey the word of God and it brought him death by the wages of sin. That destroyed humans.


Humans committed sin by the devil and suffer pains, curses and troubles by the wages of sin. When humans die, they will suffer pains forever in hell (1 John 3:8; Hebrew 2:14-15; Revelation 20:10). The devil is the enemy of God and man. Though we commit sin by the devil, Satan and demons work and suffer curses and pain in this world, when we die, we will suffer forever in hell by the wages of sin, we cannot solve the sin problem caused by the devil, Satan and demons. Only Jesus can see, know and solve the problem. The Lord sent the only Son, Jesus Christ to solve man's problem caused by sin both body and soul (1 John 3:8; Hebrew2:14-15).


Jesus died on the cross taking up our sins. The wages of sin is death. Death can be solved by death so the word became flesh and came to the earth to save us from death which caused by the wages of sin (Philippians 2:5-8; Mark 10:45). Though Jesus Christ solved the problems- suffering, death, hell and punishment, in both body and soul, if people don't believe and repent of their sin, they will perish by their wages of sin forever.


Sin came from the devil and curses, pain, death, hell and punishment came from sin. We should see, know and overcome the devil's work and repent of our sin with the blood of Jesus so we should be holy and righteous like the Lord then we can live in heaven happily with the Lord forever.


So many people don't know that sin comes from the devil and suffering rules over them both body and soul because of sin. When they die living like that, they should suffer pains in burning hell without rest forever (Matthew 25:41).


Therefore man should hurry to solve all kinds of sin - original sin and actual sin. The only solution is to rely on the blood of Jesus. The prophet said, "Repent!" Jesus Christ said, "Repent!" The disciples said, "Repent!" Pastors say, "Repent!" It is the voice of the Lord which appeals to us to be forgiven our sins and become righteous and holy by the blood of Jesus and to live in heaven happily forever.

If someone asks, "I have no sin. What sin do I have?" Then what Jesus Christ shed blood for him will be nullified and Jesus's death might be regarded as murder.

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ who is omniscience and omnipotence died to save us from sin. Then let us repent and be free from the devil, sin, curses, death and hell. The blood which the Lord shed is the strong request for us to repent.

