Eternal life Given by the Blood of Jesus

  • 조회 2923
  • 2014.02.23 14:58
  • 문서주소 -

1 Corinthians 1:18-25


God loves us in every work He does. He keeps us from all harm (Psalm 121:5-8). He keeps us to help us live eternally in His will. We were born to be loved by God. They enjoyed abundant happiness in His grace dwelling in the Garden of Eden. However, they destroyed their happiness by disobeying God's commandments. By eating the forbidden fruits, they became hopeless, not being able to flee from the punishment of sin. God could not overlook their destruction and made His dwelling among us (John 1:14). He came to give his life as ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). He erased our sin by shedding His blood on the cross. By His blood, our sin was removed eternally (Hebrews 9:22, 10:19-20).


Therefore, only Jesus' blood is the evidence of our redemption. Only Jesus' blood is the grace that rescues sinners. Only Jesus' blood is the life granted by God (Leviticus 17:11). Our faith comes from believing in the work of Jesus' blood (John 6:53-55).

The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt for not offering sacrifice to God without bleeding (Genesis 15:9-14). They were freed from 430 years of slavery by putting the blood of sheep on the sides and tops of doorframes of their house (Exodus 12:13). Without Jesus' blood, we cannot be freed from eternal punishment which is the wages of sin.  We cannot avoid the brutal pain in hell without Jesus' blood. Like accepting the blood of a lamb in Abel's sacrifice, God searched for blood that can erase sin.


Therefore, no sin on the earth can be forgiven without Jesus' blood. Only Jesus' blood can accomplish holiness, redemption, eternal life, open the gate to heaven and the salvation of sinners. No one can be born again without Jesus' blood. Therefore, all our lives are the grace of Jesus' blood.

Our faith starts from Jesus' life and grace (Isaiah 53:5-6). Any service without Jesus' blood is no better than a religious ritual. Any work of God without Jesus' blood is no better than a way to get people's complements. Any thanksgiving without Jesus' blood is no better than being arrogant. Any evangelism without Jesus' blood is no better than a religious activity that does not have life. Any activity without grace from Jesus' blood has nothing to do with God.


If our work does not start from grace, we will have complaints and hardships from the work. We could be enticed by titles that we were entrusted to us. Please do God's work for your reputation. Your work for God shall start from the grace of Jesus' blood. Please let your work be thanksgiving and testimony to God.

We will meet with God very soon. Someone might see Jesus today or tomorrow. Someone might see Him after the world ends. Let's remember the footprints of Jesus when He walked to Calvary shedding His blood with the cross on His shoulder. Let's remember His wounds in the Garden of Caiaphas. The Son of God shed all His blood to save us. If you possessed the blood as yours, you shall live your life to thank, praise and work for God.


Lord, why did you become a man for me? Lord, why were you afflicted and bled giving life to me? What can I do for you? For you loved me even to the point of death, I will work for you. Help me not to forget your work on the cross. Forgive me that I neglected the work of Your blood. Please renew me by your blood so that I can thank and praise you and evangelize other lost souls.
