Let’s live by the Holy Spirit

  • 조회 3304
  • 2014.05.25 15:32
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Fri_homegroup&wr_id=270

Galatians 5:13-24

God is Holy and righteous. He is the Holy Spirit. For His spirit is holy, the Holy Spirit does God’s will. He worked through prophets in days of Old Testaments. He has used people to fulfill God’s will (Luke 1:67, 1:41, 1:15). In New Testament days, the Holy Spirit interceded for believers and was present with them. The Holy Spirit witnesses that the work of Jesus' blood, shed on the cross, cleansed our sin (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit dwells in those who received redemption of sin guaranteeing their forgiveness (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).


 He testifies that the sinner became the Children of God with undeniable experience. The Holy Spirit clearly testifies that the Children of God is heir of God.(Romans 8:16~17) The Holy Spirit’s work on saints means that their position was changed from sinners to the heirs of God. The direct work of the Holy Spirits is based on God’s control of the world. Those who dwell in God’s sovereign power in the world are blessed. (John 16:13, 14:17-19) Though the Holy Spirit makes the body of believers His temple and dwells in them in order to preserve them holy and receive glory through them (1 Corinthians 6:19, 3:16).


Jesus Christ came to this world to call sinners and to make them repent of their sin (Luke 5:32). And He came to give His life as ransom for many (Mark 10:45). The Holy Spirit came to the world to possess, reign and use everything on the earth for they are His. Those who receive the Holy Spirit have a great position. Being filled with the Holy Spirit means getting the great authority of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31-32, Acts4:31).


The Holy Spirit touches and moves the hearts of those who received Him so that He can work without limit (Acts 9:17-18). The bodily desires oppose the will of God and have desires to commit sin (Genesis 4:7). The sin that comes from the bodily desire is corruption in view point of God (Galatians 5:17).


There are two kinds of corruption. One is not believing or trusting God which is spiritual fall. Another is not obeying God which is ethical fall. We cannot overcome these falls by our own ability. The Apostle Paul was very sad about this (Romans 7:15-8:2). Anything from the sinful desires make people live astray. Only the work of the Holy Spirit can stop this (Romans 8:5-8).


Therefore, the power of Holy Spirit can stop (James 1:14-15). Sin is corruption, sinful desire and greediness. Repentance removes desires and practice of sin. You can preserve your holiness by being filled with the Holy Spirit. Minds of sin will work on you whenever you are not filled with the Spirit. The Bible says that you can keep yourselves from corruption by living according to the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-17).


The Holy Spirit’s work is power, strength and ways to keep you from going astray. Please don’t be drunken by the world which is in the field of sin. It makes you drunk by wine and fall into debauchery. Anything wrong that came from the world is the devil’s work (Ephesians 2:2). Any worldly things that opposes God makes you sin. No one can find holiness or godliness from them. Only the Holy Spirit can lead you to the life of saints. You can control your mind, will and emotion only by being filled with the Spirit. Presence of the Holy Spirit was essential for Jesus’ life on earth. It is also essential for us who live in earth Christians can have spiritual and personal changes only by the Holy Spirit.


Let’s thank our God. Let’s praise Him and work for Him. Let’s be filled with the Spirit and live holy lives. Let’s overcome the world and keep ourselves from going astray. The Holy Spirit is with saints forever.

