The Power Pastoral Ministry by the Holy Spirit

  • 조회 16728
  • 2017.06.28 13:25
  • 문서주소 -

The Power Pastoral Ministry by the Holy Spirit

Part01 Live by the Spirit

Chapter 1 Live by the Spirit
The sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit  15
The Spirit desires what is contrary to the sinful nature  18
Let the Holy Spirit lead in your whole life  21
After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goals by human effort?  25
Ananias and Sapphira died because of lying to the Holy Spirit  29
Do not reject the Spirits inspiration  33

Chapter 2 Do pastoral ministry,living by the Holy Spirit
The pastor provides life with sermons inspired by the Holy Spirit  40 
Pastors should be filled with the Holy Spirit to the end  45
The unfortunate reality of Korean Christianity  47
Authority to lay down life and authority to take it up again  53

Part02 Let the Holy Spirit use you

Chapter 1 Do not live by the sinful nature
Desires of the sinful nature - the major obstacle to a faithful life and pastoral ministry  61
Our bodies should be filled with suffering so that we can win souls for Christ  65
Life on this earth is when the Holy Spirit uses us  69
The only way to bind flesh by the Holy Spirit - Prayer  72

Chapter 2 Give yourself for the Holy Spirit to use
The mind of sinful man desires to be served  78
Power is manifested when giving generously  83
The characteristics of the youngest son who does not take responsibility for anything  86
The authority of arrogant flesh  89
Make definite benefit for the everlasting life  94
The body should be used without limitation  98

Chapter 3 Let your pastoral ministry be led by the Holy Spirit
The turning point of pastoral ministry  103
Destroy the devils work by the power of the Holy Spirit  107
Having great capacity for pastoral ministry  112

Part03 Let the Holy Spirit share you

Chapter 1 The portion of our flesh is not ours 
The sinful nature tries to acquire portion of itself  121
I belong to the Holy Spirit 100percent portion of me  123
The church will revive as much as the church members give up their sinful nature  125
The portion you should give up before mission of God  130

Chapter 2 Abandon the portion of the sinful nature
The portion that makes us feel unfair  135
The portion in honor and pride  139
The portion in property  142
The portion in self respect  148

Chapter 3 Do pastoral ministry with the portion of the Holy Spirit
Pastoral ministry entrusted wholly to the Holy Spirit  153
Pastor who does not limit the inspiration of the Holy Spirit  157 
Pastor who absolutely listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit  160
Pastor who piles up his portion for the everlasting life  164 
Being used to the Lord is the true blessing  166
