[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart] Those whom God uses

  • 조회 4160
  • 2016.04.26 10:20
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=104

God uses those who are humble. However, many people assert themselves before God and too easily argue against God. For instance, outwardly, you say, “How can I argue with God and stand against Him?” But, making excuses for not praying when you need to pray is that you assert yourself before God. You should know that God doesn’t use such a person. No one is foolish and ignorant as those who argue against God. Although you have trouble when you’re used by God, you have to follow humbly and gently the will of God by stopping argument and defending yourself. The Holy Spirit comes upon those who are worthy to be used by God. The Holy Spirit moves and influences your thoughts and heart delicately. Influence means being favorably affected and thoughts and emotions are changed desirably. That is the beginning of internal change. Move means feeling greatly and the mind is moved. That means they are firmly resolved and that is the stage before taking action. If you don’t take action, preparing ourselves to act when you are strongly influenced by the Holy Spirit, That’s when you are against the Holy Spirit of God. You should put into action as you are influenced and moved by the Holy Spirit. You have to listen to the wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Spirit is life and peace. But the knowledge and ideas, means and ways of humans are death in the end. You must be a blessed person who enjoys life and peace according to the thoughts of the Holy Spirit by realizing how foolishly and ignorantly you defend yourself against God. The desires of the flesh are impure from the beginning and cause you to disobey the Holy Spirit. There is no more than to live according the Holy Spirit since the result of the desires of the flesh is death.



Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #472 (Mar 12, 2016)
