[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart ] Deliver the Truth that We Realize

  • 조회 4618
  • 2016.09.08 16:59
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=114

Deliver the truth that we realize. Christianity lets the souls who are lost by sin, experience eternal life by Jesus Christ. In a short, Christianity is faith of experience. To teach only theory without experiences is no use. Although you know that Jesus died on the cross and was raised again, it can't stop your soul from going to hell for the wages of sins.

You should have the experience that your sins are washed away as your portion while believing that Jesus died on the cross by shedding the precious blood and paid off your wages of sins. Likewise, you should believe the truth by experience so that you may go to Heaven when you have eternal life by being forgiven because the Son of God died.

He who lives with the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent, is happy forever. Even if you get rich in this world, it's nothing to your soul. You can't have eternal life by earthly wealth. However, when you believe that Jesus Christ died by shedding blood on the cross, you can have everlasting life as your portion.

When you rely on the cross with firm faith, the Lord reproduces His life by guiding you, moving your heart, and inspiring you. Such a person can be a teacher and teach the truth, help people to know God and preach the gospel of Jesus with gentleness

A teacher teaches their students knowledge, opinions and everything they learned. What we must teach is faith, truth and eternal life. Those who know about the truth will never get out of it. It's because they know that only the truth is life.

The truth can't be changed and supplemented but is perfect. Therefore, a teacher teaches a learner well so that they will know the truth right. They should give the life of Jesus to others to enjoy the abundance in the time of soul while they have the life.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #481 (May 21, 2016)
