[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] Like a Wise Farmer

  • 조회 4319
  • 2017.01.27 18:06
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=131


A wise farmer sows seeds when spring comes and works hard to weed the fields, in order to have a large harvest in the autumn.  Likewise, the spiritually wise will sow much holiness while living on the earth, will nurture what they sow, and will reap a large harvest in the time of their soul. 



Our flesh is nothing more than a life-long existence, but it is like farmland that gives income to farmers, if we live for the time of our soul.  It will be a useless wasteland if we only plant weeds and do not cultivate the land of our earthly lives. 



However, if we plant spiritual seeds and cultivate them well, we will have plenty of spiritual fruit in the time of our soul.  Therefore, depending on whether we live wisely or foolishly while in the flesh, the eternal destiny of our soul will be determined.  We should be wise, and should enrich the seed of life that God has sown while we are in the flesh.  



God is good when we are weak.  The person who relies totally on Almighty God is wise.  The wisdom of the world is different from the wisdom of God.  For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. (1 Corinthians 1:25)



The best wisdom of man is less than the foolishness of God. Live wisely” and “Make the most of every opportunity have the same meaning. "Live wisely" and "Save the time": these have the same meaning. Even though you are young now, old age comes soon. Can anybody look back over the past and say confidently, "I lived wisely and carefully”?  You should be joyful and glad when you see who you are in the time of your soul in the kingdom of God. It will be meaningless if we cannot be joyful in the time of our soul. Right now, we should possess the wisdom of God, because there is overflowing eternal life in God’s wisdom.



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from the church newspaper #498 (October 1, 2016)




