[Shepherding the sheep with one heart] Fulfill the Kingdom of God

  • 조회 4548
  • 2017.03.15 10:31
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=138

The words "Fulfilling the Kingdom of God" mean to drive out the power of evil, which promotes the idea of opposing the kingdom with the absolute authority of the Kingdom of God, to the ends of the earth, and causing the Kingdom of God to triumph. The Kingdom of God comes by Jesus, and appears from us as the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God will set you free from the suffering caused by evil demons. Let the Kingdom of God come upon you.


The kingdom of God must be fulfilled before God's will can be done on earth.
In order to fulfill the kingdom of God, Jesus Christ came to this earth and paid with his death the wages of sin for the destruction of mankind. And He also sent the Holy Spirit to preserve our souls.


 “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” (Matthew 12:28) The Holy Spirit of God coming upon us is the proof that the kingdom of God is fulfilled. When the kingdom of God is built in the church, those who were dead will rise without limitation when they hear the word of God. Many souls died in sin because they do not believe in Jesus, but to hear God, to repent and to have one's life restored is the blessing that must always appear in the church. In the place where God's will is, the kingdom of God will come first, and where the kingdom of God comes, the power of evil against the kingdom of God will collapse and withdraw.


Before the authority of the kingdom of God, you must be clean, whether you are in sin or suffering from a terrible disease. Those who have the kingdom of God will repent and will have healing power and life stirring within them. 



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #507 (Dec. 10, 2016)

