The Purpose of Salvation

  • 조회 4430
  • 2014.03.25 09:07
  • 문서주소 -

Jesus healed diseases, cast away demons and raise the dead.

This all was for the salvation of souls.


Jesus is the Son of God.

Even though He was the Son of God, He was scorned by those who were created

by Him. Then they slapped Him across His face, kicked, flogged, spat on him and

twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on him. (Matthew 27:26-30)


How could the Jesus, Son of God, be treated like this? How could the Jesus,

the Almighty, endure the suffering, insults and humiliation?


The Son of God did not reveal his identity before he died on the cross for our sin.

He was dumbly crucified by following God’s will. No one except Jesus obeyed God’s

all commands.


Jesus achieved God’s will on the cross and told us ‘I died for your sin and you

should believe in me’. Those who believed in Him and accepted Him will have

eternal life.


But those who do not remain with Him will not be saved. Therefore, if we do not

evangelize those who will fall into the hell, the Lord’s heart is so painful.


God will rejoice at those who evangelize unbelievers.

The purpose of Jesus’ death on the cross was for the salvation of the world.


We should accept God’s plan and deliver the message. As Jesus wanted to

save the world, we also follow his will and do our best to evangelize unbelievers.

This is the love for lost souls, our neighbors and the Lord, our God.



/ Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #373 (2014-02-15)
