[Shepherding the sheep with one heart] Thankful Life

  • 조회 3806
  • 2017.09.12 11:53
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=159


Why should we thank God? God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth, to pay the wages of human sin:  sin that takes us to hell. He shed His blood on the cross instead of us. He also sent the Holy Spirit to bring the good news to the ends of the earth to save mankind through the grace of the blood of Jesus Christ. We cannot help but be thankful to God for sending His Son to save mankind and me from eternal destruction.


The greatest thanksgiving is thanksgiving for the grace of God in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver us from sin, from disease, from curses, from death, from destruction and from hell. Of course, we should be thankful that the Lord is responsible for our food, clothing and shelter. But when we are grateful for the grace of salvation we have received, God is most pleased.


The only way in which we can fully thank God for the grace of His salvation is to cover our lives in the blood of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus. We should not forget the sacred blood of the Lord's crucifixion for even a single minute. We should be thankful and faithful, and evangelize. That’s the life that makes the most of every opportunity. We should be faithful to do that. We should always grab hold of the event of Jesus shedding His blood on the cross and the Name of Jesus, and give thanks to the Lord by doing what the Lord wants us to do.


The world builds wealth on earth to pursue the satisfaction of the flesh, but we build up wealth in heaven to seek the benefits of the soul.  The wealth that the Lord gives us is not for us to enjoy on the earth. The Lord wants us to use it carefully for His work. When we pile up spiritual wealth in heaven, we will harvest thirty, sixty, and one hundred times as much in the time of soul.


Let us give our best thanks for His grace and please Him. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. And let us never forget the love of the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for everything and thank Him for the love through which Jesus Christ has saved us.



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from the church newspaper #532 (June 17, 2017)
