[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] A spiritual life that only wins by faith

  • 조회 3934
  • 2017.10.07 15:41
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=164

The God of Israel is mighty in battle. The victory and defeat of war depends on the Lord. When the people of Israel went to war, having set up an idol, they were always defeated. However, when they feared the ark which the Lord gave and participated in the war with the faith that the Lord was with them, they won the victory.


The secret for a Christian to overcome the world is faith.  This is the faith that gives thanks for His grace in giving me the Name of Jesus to forgive my sins, heal my sickness and save me from the spiritual condition that will take me to Hell.  


We have a brilliant hope of heaven and eternal life. Heaven and eternal life can be achieved through the faith that God gives when we pray and are filled with the Holy Spirit. When we pray, we should first pray with thanksgiving, fearing the Lord. Some people pray right after they start to pray, "Oh, Lord, how can You do this to me?"
This is because they misunderstand the Lord as being just a sentry who guards them.


We should know the real reason why the Lord keeps us. The reason we have the life of the Son of God is not because we are extremely valuable.
If God keeps me, it is proof that there is life in me. We should be thankful that the life of Jesus is in me and the Lord keeps me.


We should fear, love, and appreciate the living God. And we should give thanks to the Lord for giving us life through the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who can protect and keep us. This is making the most of every opportunity. We should be filled with the Holy Spirit to make the most of every opportunity and to overcome the desires of our sinful nature.



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from the church newspaper #537 (July 29, 2017)


