[Shepherding with One heart] The key of spiritual growth

  • 조회 4062
  • 2017.11.10 14:52
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=168

We can grow spiritually when we spend time with people who walk by faith more than we do. If we don't spend time with such people, our faith can’t grow. This is why we should spend time with sincere people. 


To the best of my ability, I try not to do anything that will negatively affect my faith and ministry. Sometimes, I am dissatisfied that members of our church don’t live by faith as much as the Lord wants. But I blame myself for that. I rebuke myself thinking, ‘It’s all my fault because I didn’t teach them rightly with the Word of God. We can grow when we admit our faults. If you are discouraged at this time, you can’t grow but will regress. You will destroy yourself because of dissatisfaction, complaining and relying on your own righteousness. You can save time when you are bound by the Lord and the word of God.


In our youth group, there are many programs after the Sunday service. They are trying to save young people’s time in order that the young people may not go to the world. If we don’t care for the youth, they leave the church and commit all the sin in the world. After the morning service, you think “I’m going to join the night service after work".  But then you don't come back to church because you have been attracted by the world.  It’s very hard for you to come back to church once you go into the world. So we have performances in the church on Sundays for the purpose of preaching the gospel. We do so because we don’t want to waste times.


The Lord invests Himself totally in us human beings. If the Earth were to get closer to the Sun, the Earth would be burned and the people in it would burn to death. Equally, if the Earth were farther away from the Sun, we would freeze to death. In this way, God always protects us in the name of Jesus and by His Word through His grace, so the Sun will not harm us by day, nor the Moon by night. He protects us by the Holy Spirit. God has provided a shield for us to be protected. This proves that we must live our lives in the grace of God in our lifetime.



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #541 (August 26, 2017)

