[Shepherding with One heart] A co-worker of the will and providence of God

  • 조회 4239
  • 2017.11.21 16:54
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=171

Buildings wear out as time goes by. So we ought to use each building according to the purpose for which that building was built before it comes to an end. Likewise, we must achieve what our Creator wants us to do before our life ends. We have to make use of our days only for the will of God since all the days we have are given to us to work for Jesus Christ.


The days of the flesh are not eternal. Time doesn’t stop but goes on endlessly. Human beings and all creation are running in the will of God. That means everything is running at the same speed. Jesus completed God’s will fully in His time. There is God’s will for the time that God has given us. We must understand the will of God.


Jesus came into the world in the flesh and clearly showed the will of God to save his people. The will of God was manifestly shown in the time of Jesus, who came to the world in the flesh. In this way, it is only Jesus, the Son of God, who can achieve the will of God without mistake, while living in the flesh like humans.


From Adam until the time when Jesus came to this world, the will of God was in the tunnel of time. God accomplished His will through Jesus when it was the right moment for God to save human beings. 


Jesus promised that He will come again to this world when he ascended into heaven after he died on the cross for the sins of His people. The resurrection is evidence that there was no sin in Jesus. When will the Lord come again? The Bible says, “at the end of the age, there will be the signs of Jesus coming here and there.” When will be the signs? We have to watch the providence of God in the years we have. We should let the providence of God be accomplished through us without limitation.



Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #544 (September 16, 2017)


