[Shepherding the sheep with One heart ] God and humans who have met at the top of yearning

  • 조회 2005
  • 2020.11.21 23:36
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=279

God has an earnest desire to save mankind like us. How could God set His will to save all humankind, how much God wanted to save us when He watched the destruction of humans going to hell by sin, even he crucifying His son to death? How could Jesus, the Son, suffer on the Cross? We ought to long to get the amount of thirst that God the Father and Jesus the Son want to give to humans. God’s great thing happens when we meet with Jesus at the climax of thirst.


It’s human nature that those who are saved by believing in Jesus want to save people who live under sin from going to hell. Likewise, the church will revive quickly when it is full of people who give glory to God and their souls are satisfied and rejoice by being anxious to preach the gospel.


To revive the church, church members must feel thirst for evangelism. As God sent His only Son for us who are destined to destruction for our sins and as Jesus had to be crucified, risking our life and property, we need to feel thirst for salvation of souls who are doomed to death for their sins, not knowing Jesus


How could Stephen be anxious to preach the gospel to the point of being stoned to death? We also have to feel the thirst to be blessed spiritually by the Lord and experience the thirst of wanting to share Jesus who we have.


Once you have felt the thirst, you can’t help preaching the gospel. We don’t need to tell Christians to preach gospel or to do the Lord’s work like we don’t need to tell those who are hungry to eat. It’s because their instinct feels thirst for the work of the Lord, for obedience, for faith, for the word of God, for evangelism and for righteousness, and they themselves try to gratify their anxious mind and to solve the problem that they thirst and hunger.


Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #666
