[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] The Maginot line of a life of faith

  • 조회 1701
  • 2021.05.22 23:31
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=295

When I look back on my life of faith in the past, I regret thinking “I wish I had done this then.” The one of secrets to keep living a life of faith is to be conscience-stricken and can’t bear and regret something wrong even slightly you’ve done in the life of faith.


You can truly repent that you can make the changes when you writhe in agony since you did wrong before God reflecting on yourself “Why did I live like this?” Only those who look back on the past and regret could be way better than the past when you are in a situation like that.


We need to check where the Maginot line of a life of faith is. There are many times to fall back according to worldly desire at some time while walking by faith for my soul’s wish. We are going down gradually because we are not capable of jumping up thinking “I shouldn’t be doing this.” Finally, if the life of faith has been down to the bottom, we easily give up saying “Such is life.”


The reason why we listen to sermons, be awaken and repent sins and pray is not to go down into a lower state of life of faith. Whenever you feel your spiritual state is going down, you have to be provided with the power to go up by listening to the word of God at the service and praying.


If we stand before the judgment of God after we did something wrong which we deserve to be rebuked by God, we will regret it a lot. But it is too late for repentance then. It’s important how happy you are when your life ends and you enter the spiritual world. You must not let your guard down spiritually day by day.


These days, church members live a life of faith at home as a church to prevent Covid-19 so I am worried that their spiritual life will be distracted because they can’t come to the church. I pray for them they never backslide or regret or make excuses.


Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #684
