[Shepherding the sheep with One heart ] To be filled with the Holy Spirit to overcome deceptions

  • 조회 1527
  • 2021.06.21 00:07
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=300

Today, there are many who deceive people saying “I am Christ. I am the Holy Spirit.” They deceive people saying, “You must come to me to be sealed by the Holy Spirit so that you can join the 144,000 to be taken into heaven. All of these people are false prophets.  What is the evidence that these are false prophets?


Firstly, the savior who will save mankind doesn’t come from the bloodline of humans. Jesus didn’t come from the bloodline of humans but was conceived by the Holy Spirit and came to the world. The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. (John 1:14) How dare can a human, who is born through the bloodline of humans, be the Holy Spirit or seal?


Secondly, when Jesus comes again, the false prophets will be thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. If Jesus already came to this world, those who claim to be Jesus will not be left on earth at all. But in South Korea, there are dozens of people who claim to be Jesus. If you look at Revelation from 19:11, you can see descriptions of false prophets who are thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur in Jesus's second coming. Nevertheless, if someone says “I am Jesus.” He is also one of the false prophets.


Till now, the false prophets who claimed to be Jesus and deceived people said that the Cross of Jesus failed because Jesus who came to the earth two thousand years ago died. Then, he insisted on a ridiculous doctrine that he is Jesus that has succeeded. It is just absurd things for people who know what a real truth of salvation is and what can pay for the wages of sins, which is death.


Likewise, we need to discern spiritually well as the last day of suffering is coming near. Spiritual discerning is up to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we must be full of the Holy Spirit so we ought to pray at the end of the world.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #690

