[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] The one who has experienced love

  • 조회 940
  • 2021.09.19 23:45
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=310

They say women try to become a good daughter to their moms after giving birth to their children. It’s because they themselves experienced how mothers went through birth pains. And those who had troubled hearts because of children can understand the heart of their parents.


Just like people understand the heart of parents by experiencing giving birth and raising up their babies, only those who loved their neighbors who are doomed to fall into hell by not believing in Jesus and worried about them can deeply understand the heart of God and His love who gave His Son to be crucified.


Likewise, it’s important to experience whether it’s bodily matters or spiritual matters. So is the work of ministry I have to deal with while we are leading the life of faith. When you do the work of ministry, you can realize the heart and love of the Lord who sees you.


One of home group leaders said to me, “Pastor, I’ve realized a little bit how much you love our church members. I was distressed when my  members didn’t listen to me as a home group leader. Whenever they do it, I think about you how upset you would have been to many members. I understand a little bit of your mind.”


When you take care of cell members and love them as a home group leader, you can realize how much you have been loved by leaders. And when I see the home group members not living a good Christian life, I also understand the heart of God who watched me sadly being lazy and indolent. I could realize the heart of God even a bit how painful He was when God sacrificed His only Son to save us because He loved us. Likewise, you can reach the heart and love of God nearer when you love neighbors by doing the ministry given by the Lord.


Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #698
