[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] The betrayers will encounter miserable ends.

  • 조회 1046
  • 2023.05.30 14:12
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=341

  Those who do not walk with God are filled with pride and arrogance. They could not receive grace from the word of God that they listened to because the Holy Spirit stopped moving or inspiring their minds. They could not be faithful to Christian lives even attending services publicly. Then, they ended up leaving the church.

When flowers are uprooted, they seem to be alive for a short moment. But, before long, they wither and die. Likewise, when we betray God, we will become like dead persons because we cannot be provided with life from Him. Betraying is an act of death that will take us out of the boundary of God’s love. Therefore, we should not betray God for our spiritual survival.

The betrayers will encounter something more than being abandoned by God. Psalms 125:5 says, “But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.” This means that God makes those who betrayed Him go around with wicked persons. Those who go with the evildoers will finally perish, inevitably.

You need to keep in mind that you will be cut off from God if you do not turn back from the way of betrayal and repent. Being cut off from God is the Devil’s work. Those who are cut off from God shell go to hell where they will suffer forever with the Devil. The Devil was already separated from God from the beginning. If you know the fact that the sin of betrayal separates you forever from God like Heaven and the Hell is parted, you should never step in the ways of betrayal. When you stepped in the ways, you should repent and be washed from your sins by the blood of Jesus on the Cross.

The Bible says that those who betrayed God were cursed and met tragic ends. You may encounter situations where you should make a choice whether you betray God and stand with people or stand with God and be abandoned by people. You must choose to stand on God’s side just for your spiritual survival.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #799
