For the Day of Glory

  • 조회 4761
  • 2014.08.20 16:03
  • 문서주소 -


We should win the battle against evil spirits, and the ruler of the kingdom

of the air, because we must be confident when we die and stand before God’s

judgment seat.


If you realize that you are not permitted to enter heaven, when you stand

before God’s judgment seat, what do you think would happen? Then, there will

be nothing you can do. When you live in the world, you have the chance to repent

of your sin. But our Christian life is related to the eternity. Therefore, you cannot

recover your faith, if you have already died. It is too late.


We should be good Christians because it is related to the eternity.

Nothing can last forever except our faith. In the world, there are so many people

who give up eternal life because they do not cast away worldly concerns.

They do not understand what the Christian life is. They do not know that faith

becomes their eternal possession. They do not see the day when they will receive

the glorious crown.


To live spiritually is not easy. Our flesh is used to live very comfortably every day.

Your faith will make your life in heaven rich. But if you think it won’t, you might

misunderstand your faith. To live by believing God’s word becomes your spiritual

asset. Your body could be in pain but your soul must be happy.


Paul said

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that

far outweighs them all.” (1Cor 4:17) The glory must be yours, then, you might

suffer the pain and persecution. You also have to win against the spiritual battle.


Let us believe the Lord’s word is absolutely ours.

Let us also believe that our Christian life is definitely ours.

The outcome of your Christian life is yours.

It is up to you to receive the great reward and glory or eternal punishment.


Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon


Yonsei Newspaper #396 (2014.08.02)
