[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] We should know our place before God

  • 조회 232
  • 2024.09.14 14:30
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=350

Many years ago, I visited a hot spring in Busan that was known to be the largest in Korea, called "On Chun Jang". Being naked in men’s sauna, everyone looked the same even though their social position varies. 

When we stand before the judgement seat of God, each of us will be in the same level regardless of social position in the world. So, no one can be conceited before God’s judgment seat. Without being washed away from sin by the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross, no one in the world can flee from the punishment in hell which is the second death. For we were so pitiful and poor, committing sin and destined to fall into hell as result of sin, God put His own Son to death for us. For we were so ignorant, God gave us the word of life to lead us to eternal life. 

Therefore, we should keep in mind that we are weak and have nothing to be conceited. We can’t be conceited knowing that we are sinners before the Lord. We should become humble. Jesus said that we should watch out for the teachers of the law who like to be greeted with respect and have the most important seats in the places of honor at banquets because they exalted themselves in Mark chapter 12 verses 38 to 40. They were not worthy to be greeted or take the seat of honor, but they thought that they were worthy to be served like these. How conceited and arrogant they were, in the eyes of Jesus! Jesus said that these men will be punished most severely. 

Jesus is God but He lowered and humbled himself as it was written in Philippians chapter 2 verses 6 to 8. However, by our strength, we cannot humble ourselves. Therefore, we should pray to be empowered by God to become humble and have same heart of Jesus and serve others like Jesus did. God rejects the proud people but he greatly uses those who value others above themselves and humble keeping them to stay with Him.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon               

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #840
