[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] The worldly pleasure is nothing

  • 조회 78
  • 2024.09.14 14:35
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=351

The Apostle Paul said to Timothy that people became lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God in 2 Timothy chapter3. He warned Timothy to be on his guard against pursuing the bodily pleasure. The bodily pleasure means feelings of enjoyment that comes from satisfying physical desire. For instance, there are many pleasures such as living in a luxurious mansion, driving a luxury car, wearing designer’s garments, eating delicious food, being in a desirable shape, buying whatever you want, and traveling wherever you want.

But in spiritual perspective, the pleasure means you just show off and enjoy something unworthy of eternity. So “To love pleasure means a greedy life that pursues the gratification of worldly desire only for satisfaction of the flesh while putting aside a spiritual life. The Bible warned how dangerous the pleasure is, emphasizing the dark park of it. The Bible says in Colossians chapter 3 verses 5 to 6 that to love pleasure is greed that is idolatry.

On that account, the wrath of God is coming. But people ignore God the Almighty who gave us all creations to us, count on the power of material civilizations that they can see, and chase after the pleasure and enjoyment of the flesh. The apostle Paul says that people love pleasure more than God in the end of the world. Those who follows God’s will feel pitiful seeing those who seek the physical desire and pleasure. Those who experienced the spiritual joy know that the worldly pleasure is nothing. The pleasure of the flesh is not the pleasure that Christians should enjoy. The temporal pleasure of the flesh will be gone after lifespan, for about 70 or 80 years. We should enjoy everlasting joy with God who stands same, forever.


Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon    

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #845
