[Shepherding the sheep with one heart] The result of following the worldly pleasure

  • 조회 3
  • 2025.03.11 15:50
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=355

In the book of Luke 12, a rich man got happy expecting abundant harvest in autumn, not knowing that his soul was rushing to destruction. The man put bodily pleasure at the first priority of his life, enjoying eating drinking, putting aside the godly pleasure for his soul (Luke 12:9). You should know that his idea was completely unwise and fruitless.

Likewise, nowadays, people pursue only indulging bodily pleasures just like the rich man. Even Christians were deceived by the allure of the world and prioritized bodily pleasure and comfort from materials even though they were forgiven by the work of Jesus Christ's death on the cross and by His blood, shed to make them the children of God. They even think that the bodily comfort that they are enjoying came from God's blessing which is complete misunderstanding, for it actually came from the world.

The book of Isaiah chapter 22 said that unwise people followed the pleasure of the flesh and the joy from the world. Even though God commended to the entire Israelites that they should repent of their sins and return to life, they didn’t accept God's word and continued seeking pleasure of eating and drinking. Pitifully and unwisely, they said, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we will die (Isaiah 22:13)"

The scripture in book of Job says, 'They sing to the music of timbre and lyre; they make merry to the sound of the pipe. They spend their years in prosperity and go down to the grave in peace (Job 21:12~13)'. The scripture obviously says that the end of the pleasure of flesh is going down to the grave, that is hell. Likewise, the Bible teaches us, “If you seek the worldly pleasure, your soul will end up being abandoned to the hell”. If you are aware of this, you won’t be able to seek the pleasure of the flesh that leads your soul to destruction.

You should see through a spiritual reality that eating and drinking only for bodily pleasure surely leads your soul into death and the hell. Not even single one of you should be spotted by the world and chase after indulging bodily wants. We should pursue spiritual benefit and godly value to ensure heaven for your time of soul. You should delight and be happy by eternal life that God provides, not by pleasures from the world.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #862
