A Sympathy of Serving Soul

  • 조회 4475
  • 2015.01.23 11:11
  • 문서주소 - http://eng.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=pastor_msg&wr_id=51


Walking rightly in the path of Christianity is a life of becoming like Jesus Christ. Therefore,
to walk just like him, we must fully understand what he means through following what he said in
the Bible.


Likewise, when we serve people in the church, we should also understand their mind
and know the circumstance of both their body and soul that they struggle. Then we will get to
know how to treat them.


Paul said, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?
But we have the mind of Christ.” It means the Lord gave his mind to Paul and used him according
to his will. Paul evangelized whoever he met after getting a sense of kinship with them. Just
like him, we should get kinship and preach the gospel toward the people of all ages that we meet
for saving their souls.



Jesus healed all people's diseases and the brokenhearted. He showed lots of wonders for
he knew the people's difficult situation. Likewise, we have to be their companions who can
understand their feelings and every single situation they are in. Then sympathy will be
formed and that is the right time to preach the gospel of Christ.



We should pray for the souls that we are charge of, having sympathy. For example, we should
pray as if we are struggling from the same pain they have when we pray for a patient.
If someone has difficulty of certain problem, we have to pray just like we have exactly the
same situation. It is the work of completing ministry to know their minds and have sympathy
for saving their souls.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #414 (Dec 13, 2014)
