Confidence Given by the Holy Spirit

  • 조회 4668
  • 2015.03.14 10:45
  • 문서주소 -


He who has confidence by themselves are tired of doing their work and give
it up soon when they meet a problem. On the contrary, it’s not hard at all
for those who have confidence given by the Holy Spirit. They don’t get
hurt and humble themselves before God.


There is only one who carries out the Lord’s work.

An idea given by the Holy Spirit is not vain, it’s great
because the Almighty God will do His work. The things done by human thought
is in vain no matter how small it is. When you interfere with the Lord’s
work, you will reach the limits of your ability.


When you step aside and the Holy Spirit begins to do His work, the Holy Spirit works with unlimited
power and strength so it is not vain at all. The Lord has said to Abram,
“Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the
land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1)


He fully obeyed the Lord. In human eyes, leaving his father’s house and his people is a great loss to Abraham.
He had established a way of making a living in Ur of the Chaldeans for
seventy-five years and enjoyed a happy life. That is why it was a risky
adventure for him to leave his hometown as the Lord told him to.

Nevertheless, Abraham was obedient to the Lord. When the Lord told him to
leave his country, he left Ur of Chaldeans letting go of his heart to stay
there. When you relinquish trying to live for yourself, you will have the
faith that acknowledges the Lord.


Therefore, you have to pray to God so that the authority of God may be granted to you and you may be overwhelmed by the
word of God. You have to be confident with humility not by your arrogance,
but by God while expecting Him to use you by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and power.

Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #424
