The One who Seeks the Power of Love

  • 조회 4668
  • 2015.04.11 14:04
  • 문서주소 -

          Love is the power to act. Nobody can stop parents who devote their lives to their
          children to make them honorable people. It's because the power of love for children
          works in parents. Jesus, who was innocent, was whipped, cursed and died on the cross
          because of His endless love for people.


          Those who have experienced the Lord's love
          acts by faith in the Lord. The action also comes  from the power of love. You can
          lay yourself down before the Lord when you have the power to love the Lord.
          No matter how realistically you paint the sun, the sun painted on a canvas doesn't
          radiate heat, it's just a wonderful picture.


          You should truly believe in  Jesus unlike appreciating a picture as the Lord who forgives sins,

          drive out demons, let the blind see, let the lame walk and jump, cure people of leprosy and who
          provides you with the strong power of life that brings people back to life. When
          you truly believe in Jesus, He will  provide you with the power to carry out the
          mission He gave you. We have to pray to the Lord so that the Lord may grant us
          faith and love.


          In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by
          action , is dead." (James 2:17) James also says, "you only say to him,"put on
          clothes when you are cold, eat food when you are hungry, drink water when you are
          thirsty" but you do nothing about his physical needs. Then, what good is it?"

          On the night that Jesus was arrested, the disciples ran away while denying that
          they knew Jesus because they did not yet have the power to follow Jesus.
          Why do we pray?  You can't love him by yourself although you want to love Jesus
          and you don't have power although you want to do His work with the power of Jesus.
          Therefore, we have to pray to God to be given the power. Oh my Lord, grant me the
          power of great love that saves people by Your suffering and dying on the cross.


           Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

           Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #428 (Mar 28, 2015)
