Be the Neighbors that the Lord Wants us to Be

  • 2013.08.25 00:18

Luke: 10:25-37



The most important thing in the world is life. We cannot find life anywhere in the world nor can the world make life. We cannot deny that the world is the place where people try to get life but they die. Man lives 70 or 80 years but he cannot share his life with his beloved children, husband, wife and parents though he loves them very much. Man just live once and dies. We cannot deny this.


However God is eternal. He can live forever because he has abundant life that he can live forever.


God is all knowing. He saw that man had no life so was perishing. So He gave His eternal life to man. It is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 5:12; Jn 6:53-58)


Jesus Christ came to this world and gave Himself to us. It is for Him to give us His eternal life so that we can live forever as He lives forever with His abundant life.


This is God's love. The Lord positively put into practice His love for man. Jesus Christ came to this world and regarded man's suffering and death from sin as His. He regarded man's many problem as His. It is the love of Jesus Christ for man. It is the love of cross that the Lord sacrificed His only Son. Jesus Christ lived His whole life to love man (Isa 53:5-6). Jesus Christ loved man and He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."


The Lord was flogged, cursed and even died on the cross, shedding His blood to love us. He said that  you also should love like this. Whoever has received the love and grace of Jesus Christ and is saved can look on those who are perishing. The rich man longed for his brothers to be saved from hell. He wanted Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers for them to be saved (Luke 16:27-29).


Dear brothers and sisters, you are so cruel if you look on them and do not evangelize although you know that they will suffer forever in hell because of their sin after death.


The Jesus' disciples gave thanks for their salvation by the love of Jesus Christ. So they devoted their lives to win souls and were not afraid of suffering or death.


Dear beloved brothers and sisters, if we don't preach the gospel today, so many those who don't know Jesus Christ will perish. Let us love each other as the loved us and win souls who are perishing.


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