The Passion of Jesus, His Death and the Righteousness of His Resurrection

  • 2010.03.29 10:45

Matthew 20:17-19


God is love. He did not remain indifferent to man who was doomed to perish and be cursed. He sent His Only Son, Jesus, whose life was full of love for us. When Jesus came to this world, He was conceived by the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:21-25). Jesus Christ was not a sinner who was born through human seed, but He was the Word of God who became flesh. God’s Word is the imperishable seed (Peter 1:23).


He worked for 30 years in Joseph’s house, and then His public ministry started by Him being baptized in the Jordan. The Holy Spirit confirmed that He was not the son of man, but the Son of God (Matthew 3:16-17). He gave life to the dead, healed lepers and the paralyzed, and cured whoever was sick (Matthew 4:24). By these countless wonders, signs and miracles it was affirmed that Jesus was the Son of living and almighty God.


The Pharisees tried to kill Jesus because He was calling God is His Father and they thought ‘This is blasphemy’. Jesus Himself said that the reason He came was to die for us. Only by His death, could we be saved from sins, curses and Hell. He bought us at a price from the wages of sin (John 10:17-18).


The night before He was arrested, He prayed earnestly that the cup would be taken from Him - but for it to be not according to His own will, but according to the Father’s (Luke 22:44 and Matthew 26:36-39). The Father rejected the request of His Son, and instead chose our salvation by letting Him die. What amazing love!


The Lord bore our spiritual and physical diseases, curses and eternal suffering in hell, therefore His suffering for us is our spiritual and physical grace. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:5-6).


Even though Jesus Christ died for claiming that He was the Son of God, He was resurrected in three days, which meant that He truly was God’s Son who had no sin. Why did God save us even to the point of giving His precious Son to be cruelly crucified? Who are we to receive such amazing grace? Unless we had Jesus’ death and resurrection, how could we bear all our suffering caused by sin? How could we ever repay our debt to Him?


Dear brothers and sisters! Let us not be mere spectators of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Let us be freed from sins, sicknesses, curses and even Hell.

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