To love the Lord is absolutely the right thing to do. The Lord made us his bride and He himself became our bridegroom. The bride and bridegroom love each other. If there were no love between them, it would be abnormal.
God so loved us that he sent His one and only Son to die for us. Love meant giving even His one and only Son generously. The bride and bridegroom don’t keep anything from each other. When they are together, they are not envious of anything. Likewise, it is enough for us to have the Lord, the bridegroom. The Lord, the bridegroom saved us by sacrificing himself for our sins and made us his bride. So, what can we offer to the Lord, the bridegroom? What does the Lord want from us?
Only the bride who truly loves the Lord can meet the Lord, the bridegroom at the end of the world when the Lord comes again. Our loyalties, pains and efforts can be worthwhile only when there is love for the Lord. Everything we do and everything in our lives must be based on love. If you don’t show the love of the Lord saying you are with Jesus, you are poor, because you are deceiving yourself.
At the end of the world, the Lord will come to take his bride. The bride waits in love for her bridegroom. The bride can do anything, that is to say she willingly risks her life for her bridegroom. Do you love the Lord like that as his bride?
Love is not something that is learned. Those who are loved by God have the mind to love the Lord and neighbors. Love overrules and overpowers all circumstances. If we don’t have the mind to love the Lord, how can we stand before the Lord in the Kingdom of heaven? We can stand before the Lord when we love Him and meet him with delight. I urge you to love the Lord wholeheartedly so that you will meet Him gloriously and gladly on the day when you stand before the Lord.
Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #576 (May 19, 2018)