120 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] Be a Man of Faith
11/07/2016 |
119 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] He who is seized by t…
10/31/2016 |
118 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] By what are you caugh…
10/30/2016 |
117 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] Jesus Who Has Overcom…
10/24/2016 |
116 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] Get out of the Devil’…
10/12/2016 |
115 |
[Shepherding the sheep with One heart] Be Sensitive to the W…
09/28/2016 |
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[Shepherding the sheep with One heart ] Awake from a Deep Sl…
09/20/2016 |
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[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart ] Deliver the Truth th…
09/08/2016 |
112 |
[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart ] A Grown-up Christian
09/02/2016 |
111 |
[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart ] Solve your sins thro…
08/20/2016 |
110 |
[Shepherding the Sheep with One heart] A person who has the …
08/01/2016 |
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[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart] Encourage People with…
07/08/2016 |
108 |
[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart] The Lord Uses the Mee…
06/07/2016 |
107 |
[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart] Repent and Be Humble
06/07/2016 |
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[Shepherding the Sheep with One Heart] The Wisest Person
06/07/2016 |