The Mind of Evangelism

  • 2014.10.15 11:09


Someone who has experienced poverty will understand the poor and will try to

help them.

Someone who knows how painful hunger is will help those who are hungry and

will treat them even though it is just a bowl of rice to slake their hunger pains.


Likewise those who know how much the soul, which does not believe in Jesus

will suffer in hell on the day when the flesh dies, will diligently preach the gospel.

If you have the will to save the souls of those who are perishing, you can evangelize.

You cannot help preaching the gospel whether you can speak their language or not.


If the mind of the Lord, who built the church, and the church’s mind are different

from each other; and the mind of the Lord and our minds, who share the gospel

to others, are different from each other, won’t the Lord feel sad?

We should be acknowledged by the Lord that “We are of one mind! You have

the same mind as me to save souls.”


“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 

And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” (1 John 3:16)

We should win souls with the mind of loving souls which are perishing.

God gave His mind to His Son and sent Him to the earth. If He did not listen to

the will of His Father and came down from the cross, the plan of God would have

had a problem.


But Jesus hung on the cross with the mind given by the Father.

He sent the Holy Spirit to this earth and built the church which has the same mind 

as the Lord.


The early church evangelized with the same passion that the Son had for winning

souls. We also have to help those whomever we meet to believe in Jesus, filled

with the mind of Christ.



/ Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #403 (September 27, 2014)

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