Revival, Only by Prayer

  • 2014.01.06 16:53

The Son of God gave us this promise with His name and honor, “You may ask me

for anything in my name, and I will do it (John 14:14). It means that we are

guaranteed and all we have to do is pray. According to His word the living Son of

God said, when we pray depending on this word, the answer surely follows in

accordance with His pleasure and will.

However, Christians take it for granted that patients with a serious disease pray

and are not healed. It proves that this generation does not recognize God and live

without Him. We should be surprised with no answer, and think of the fact that our

prayers are followed by their answers.


Our church prays together for a long time after the sermon. If you listen to the

sermon and find out your sins, you should repent and pray according to the word

you heard. This is because we should restore the right spiritual relationship with

God. In addition, this is for teaching the saints what they should pray, providing

the power to pray, and improve their faith.


There is a difference between the prayer that is said when the saints want to pray

and the prayer the Lord's servant leads. Although the saints come to church and

pray for a few days, there is often no answer. However, when the Lord's servant

tells us to pray, there is often the answer. Prayer after a sermon is the time when

God works absolutely and the time when we focus on our prayers and our exact

prayers reach to God.


Nowadays, it is said that a number of churches do not cry out to God after a

sermon. The church which prays revives. Revival is not just for certain individuals

to pray, but for all the church members. People who do not pray cannot be a

driving force of revival. God’s people, let's pray for revival!


/ Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon

목양일념 게시판 게시물 목록
No Title Date
8 With Unchanging Faith 01/14/2014
7 Revival, Only by Prayer 01/06/2014
6 The Man Used by God. 12/20/2013
5 God Uses the One who is Filled with the Holy Spirit 11/29/2013
4 The Person who is Loved by the Lord 11/27/2013
3 Jesus is my Only Boast 11/27/2013
2 Love Giving us His Only Son 11/21/2013
1 For Eternal Life 10/16/2013